Listening with Ears of the Heart - Learning from Tara Brach


I was inspired by a recent teaching by Tara Brach on mindful listening. A link to her 12-minute video is here and also below. I recommend it..

Here is what Tara inspired in me:

It has been said that "Hearing is through the ears, but listening is through the mind and heart.”

Even when we do pay attention, we often hear rather than listen.

Is there someone you have a hard time listening to? Perhaps a colleague, friend, or family member?

Have you developed strategies to avoid listening to this person, like doing the dishes while you hear, or going through your least essential emails?

When a person isn't listened to, they can become irritable and reactive.

Something is wrong, but they can't quite name it. Their emotions are like a river blocked by trees and branches, unable to flow.

Listening is an act of compassion that can help to end another person's suffering. ( Thich Nhat Hanh also teaches on compassionate listening. You might want to listen to this interview with Oprah.)

You probably know what's coming next: bring mindfulness to your Listening.

But how?

Just listen, without trying to judge what you hear or frame a response.

In her wonderful talk, Tara Brach beautifully addressed mindful Listening for those who are stressed when listening in 3 simple steps, emphasizing the importance of intention and preparation.

Here’s the link to Tara’s illuminating talk. As she describes…..

The first step is to have a firm intention to listen with care and compassion for the speaker.

The second step is to scan inside yourself, to become aware of any inner stirrings of fear, judgment, avoidance, or whatever else might be in you that would make listening and accepting what you hear difficult. And sitting with what you find inside yourself, until you feel balanced.

After these two steps, only then will we be able to do the mindful listening with a softened and receptive heart.

Tara has brilliantly illustrated the power of mindful listening through the story of a woman frustrated for years by her brother, and the transformation that came for them both after only a week of mindful Listening.

Your mindful listening can, over time, dissolve the blockages, transform lives for the better, and even reduce the other person's sufferings.

Do you want to add value to someone's life by giving them patient, mindful listening? Learn these simple practices.

Donald Fleck teaches mindfulness live, online including mindful listening. The next workshop starts on September 28. To learn more, visit


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