Mindblog for all

A cup of tea beside a pen and paper displaying the words "mind full or mindful."

Welcome to Mindblog, a space for everyone — whether you're seasoned in mindfulness or just starting out, whether you’re a teacher or a student. No matter your background, this blog is your gateway to living with more presence and clarity.

Mindfulness opens the door to peace within. It’s not about escaping life’s difficulties but learning to embrace the present moment, to wake up to the present. The beauty of the blue sky, the warmth of a smile, or the taste of a meal—all of these are invitations to live fully in the now. But being present also means facing what we’d rather avoid: the banana peel on the sidewalk, the challenges, the pain, and the suffering that life throws our way. There is still poverty, there’s death and despair.

Most of us walk around with blinders on, filtering out what we don't like or dwelling on the past and future. But to truly live mindfully, we must welcome every experience, both the good and the difficult, without judgment. Through this blog, we aim to guide you in this practice, offering tips, personal reflections, and practical exercises to help you meet life as it is—no filters, no distractions.

Opening Ourselves to All Experiences: the Good and the Bad

Mindblog invites you to stop filtering life. Instead, we’ll explore how to remain open to everything—the pleasant, the uncomfortable, and everything in between. We believe that by accepting all experiences, you can live with greater peace, resilience, and compassion.

Through Mindblog for All, you'll find a variety of content to help you on your mindfulness journey. From simple daily practices to expert advice on dealing with stress, this blog is here to support you every step of the way.


When Sitting With Difficulty is Not Enough: Adding the Action Step


Mindfulness Meditation Therapy Researched