Mindfulness of Body - Enjoy

Please join us Friday for 30-minute Friday Mindfulness at Noon.

We will practice with a Body Scan, evolved to include gentle movement.

Noticing one part of body. Then gently tightening nearby muscles, then releasing and noticing again. Noticing changes, enjoyment, and any wish for a different relationship to the body.

But nothing to achieve, just a new way on listening.... to the body.... who knows what stories it has to tell.

Perhaps also noticing the mind and thoughts and emotions, and then coming home again to the body.

As always, we'll start with a few minutes of mindful movement, followed by a guided meditation and sharing.

Use the Zoom link below to join us. Feel free to come a bit early (11:55) to make sure your tech is working. If you’re a little late, that’s ok, too.

We hope to see you then!

Warm wishes,
Michelle and Donald

Donations to Support our Offerings:
Venmo: @MichelleMorrison-OneWaveYoga
For other ways to donate, please e-mail Michelle at onewaveyoga@gmail.com

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Stopping & Calming


Coming Home to the Breath: A Breathing Meditation with Nothing to Accomplish