Rid yourself of Automatic Negative Thougthts

Rid yourself of Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) says Dr. Daniel G. Amen.

Dr. Amen appears on PBS during pldege drive, a testament to his authority and popularity.

Dr. Amen has a list of 5o do's and 50 don'ts for brain health. I don't agree with all of them, but generally they are on target.  You can see his list at Dr. Amen's web site for My Brain Health - Creating Brain Healthy Families.

One very important item on his list is "rid yourself of automatic negative thoughts (ANTs)".

Dr. Amen gives the message. But it's not so easy to just drop a lifetime of habitual thinking. Just say no to negative thinking isn't enough for most people. The workshop I offer gives the "how to."  It is an 8-week group workshop that teaches depressed and anxious people ways to see their thoughts more clearly, notice them as they occur, and substitute a different way of being that effectively removes the power of those negative thoughts.

The workshop is called Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. It is designed specifically for people with a long history of depression, to help avoid depression coming back again. It also has shown promise for people with generalized anxiety disorder. It is university researched and proven, time effective, and cost effective. You can learn more at my website, www.DonaldFleck.com.


Mark Epstein on psychoanalysis and meditation


Non-talk Therapy