MBCT Sangha in NYC

NYC Sangha for Psychotherapists Interested in MB-CT


Sit with Psychotherapists preparing to use MBCT, or teaching already. By forming a supportive sangha group we help each other along the path of personal and professional development.

Welcoming professionals at any of these points:

  • Grads of the 5-day MBCT Intensive at Omega or other locations

  • Professionals who have begun MBCT groups

  • Professionals integrating MBCT into individual practice

  • Professionals planning to learn MBCT

We will sit together, share our mindfulness experience, and discuss using elements of MB-CT in clinical practice, whether applying MB-CT in groups or in individual psychotherapy.

We meet in Manhattan the second Thursday of each month, 7:30 - 9 pm.

Our current meeting space is at Mindwell NYC, on West 14th Street.

Free, supported by your dana contributions.


Donald Fleck at info@DonaldFleck.com

Rachel Hutt PhD at rhutt@mindwellnyc.com


Monthly "Wise Heart" Study Group for MB-CT Grads


When Sitting With Difficulty is Not Enough: Adding the Action Step