Seeking Right Action, considering George Floyd and Black Lives Matter

Perhaps our actions really matter. Perhaps the movement to protect black lives is at a turning point. But feelings are so raw, so polarized. How do we find the actions that are right for each of us? Offered here is a 6 minute mindfulness meditation presenting a way of becoming sure of your right actions in this matter. We do not presume to know what actions are needed. We feel each person has that answer within themselves.

I have hesitated to record this, because part of what is happening is that people are emboldened by anger to take strong actions, and my mindfulness approach seeks actions that come from the insight of full awareness.

I have gone ahead with this because I believe we still need to act, but do not have to be reactive. Instead, we can be responsive based on our deepest understandings of right action.

The meditation goes likes this:

Seeking right action, in this important time when actions matter greatly.

May we hold George Floyd’s Mother and Father in our hearts.

May we hold the 4 policemen’ Mothers and Fathers in our hearts, also.

May we have courage and sit with our feelings.

Especially may we feel any anger present.

May we feel any body tension present.

May we feel any fear and sadness present.

May we feel into our bodies, right now.

Now, seeking perspective by bringing our awareness to the present.

May we become present, noticing what’s around us, right now, and also what’s in us.





Tastes and smells

Noticing any thoughts present right now.

And any emotions present right now.

Preparing for answers to our question

May we remember the lives of The Mahatma, Ghandi, and Martin Luther King.

Now, each of us asking ourselves: What is my next right action?

Allowing this thought to drop into our minds as a small stone might fall into a very deep well:

What will my right action be?

An answer may come, and then let the small stone drop some more until it settles at the bottom of the well.

What answers come now?

Repeat until you feel settled and sure.

When you repeat, pausing whenever you need more time, then resuming.


1-Day Daylong Mindfulness Retreat on July 11: Black Lives Matter, COVID-19 and Interconnection


Healing with compassion and self-love