Intention: A New Year’s Resolution
By Annie Shackelford, LCSW
It’s been quite a while since my last newsletter ~ something I am feeling some shame around. Partly because it was my intention to publish more often and partly because I find this both a place that allows me to share a meaningful reflection for clients, friends, family, and colleagues as well as a space to dive deeper into the world of mindfulness. Facing this shame, this last day of 2021, I have gratitude for the busyness that has kept me from this outlet, while simultaneously determined to make it a greater part of my journey in 2022.
Thinking about the year ahead, many of us wonder how to improve ourselves or set goals, find an appropriate resolution, to do or not do something. In the year ahead I considered various resolutions and finally came to resolving to be more connected to living with intention. In mindfulness, we know that setting an intention requires us first to become aware of our thoughts and then to act purposefully. An intention calls for a shift in mindset, allows us to be more aware of our process as it unfolds, and requires both our mind and body to be present.
I’m looking forward to how this practice will further enhance my experience ~ and plan to share more moments of my intention-driven year with all of you.
Happy New Year to All!
P.s. Please feel free to share your resolutions in the comments with me; I’d love to hear from you.