4-Minutes to experience a quiet mind

Mindfulness can be a bummer.

Based on years of experience you may rightly feel the promise of a quiet mind is baloney. Yet I will describe here a way people may experience the quiet mind that mindfulness promises. Just for short intervals….. but you really can experience it.

Baloney, you say. You sit, try to follow your breath, but the thoughts keep crowding in. The instructor says just drop the thoughts and come back to your breath, so you do, but each time the thoughts come back you feel a little bit more disappointed in yourself and this builds and builds until you feel “I can’t do this.” Even though the instructor says, “be kind to yourself, this is normal,” the self-criticism remains, still is there..

People can experience this quiet mind in just 4 minutes. Just listen to this 4 minute video by Loch Kelly. He describes how to focus on the emptiness between words, it’s an interesting exercise. For those of you who took The Mindfulness Workshop (MBCT) this will resemble spacious consciousness.

Here’s the link.

Thanks to my colleague Brynn Wallace for telling me about this.


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