New Zoom Mindfulness Workshops (MB-CT) available

Does negative thinking lead to emotional distress, for you or a friend? If so, applying mindfulness for health may give the relief you need.

The Mindfulness Workshop has helped 350 people in New York City lead happier lives. It’s based on Mindfulness Based - Cognitive Therapy (MB-CT), a combination of mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). You’ll learn to catch early warning signals that emotions are going downhill and then implement mindfulness and cognitive strategies to keep you in balance, to keep you open to happiness.

This is not just another mindfulness workshop. It’s science-based and proven effective for people with some left-over symptoms of depression or with generalized anxiety.

The workshop runs 9 weeks, beginning in May. The first step is to schedule an individual consult to evaluate whether this is indicated for you. See for workshop details, or contact Donald Fleck at 917-202-5148.


Days of Mindfulness, Freely Given -- Treat yourself


4-Minutes to experience a quiet mind