

by Annie Shackelford, LCSW

May 2

Motherhood, Mothering, Mother … this (upcoming) Mother’s Day, how do you relate? 

Is this the journey toward Motherhood? The 28-day cycle of possibility-anticipation-disappointment, on repeat. Some days filled with positivity in the process and others consumed by its negative feedback.

Is this the  SHIFT of Mothering? The emotional juggle of unconditional love, tough lessons, sleepless nights, or guilt over being “enough”. Finding yourself balancing thoughts of gratitude for these precious beings while also looking for time and space to prioritize your own needs.

Is this a reflection on your own Mother? At a very basic level, a most significant relationship in its life-giving, life-sustaining, nurturing role. What deep-seated emotions do you find come to surface as you reflect on years past or moments more present?

In honor of our respective journeys on this Mother’s Day, let’s sit and practice R.A.I.N.  (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) meditation, because we can all find our place to relate!

Do the R.A.I.N. meditation.

Please join me in the next MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) group beginning May 10th 7:30-9:30p, just 2 weeks away! For more information and to register, please respond directly to me or click here.

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Annie Shackelford

Annie Shackelford is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in practice for the past 15 years. She is an experienced therapist and group facilitator, having authored and been awarded grant funding for HIV/OB Education and Support groups and Young Adult Psychosocial Support Groups at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago and New York Presbyterian Hospital. She has years of experience working with anxiety, depression, adjustment to illness, chronic and acute illness, life transitions, pregnancy and loss.

Letting Go


New Mindfulness + Peace Workshop