Playing with Perspective

Interrupting a negative thought spiral 


by Annie Shackelford, LCSW

Playing With Perspective

Interrupting a negative thought spiral 

Definition of Perspective, noun: 

(2 ) a: the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed

b: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance

Merriam, Accessed 9 Apr. 2021

While out on an errand, I was caught in a mindful moment. I was initially struck by the bright blue detailed staircase, then the mural depicting several swimmers gracefully navigating the waves, and finally at the end of the block, illuminated by the sun overhead, the sign “Rebirth” hung, so poignantly affirming the moment.

I found a shift in perspective. The somewhat meaningless errand along an often travelled path, became something more…enhancing the moment and lightening my mood.

Mindfulness teaches us that through noticingwe can pull ourselves out of an anxious moment or negative thought spiral and gain perspective on what else is present, what more is there to (our) experience.

Next time you’re in need of perspective, try noticing!

Next Mindfulness and Health Group (MBCT) - Tuesday Evenings, May 11th - June 29th, 7p-9p (EST), please reach out to me to register and/or here for more details!

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New Mindfulness + Peace Workshop


MBCT-R starts soon - “R" is for Resilience