Releasing Old Habits - Guided Meditation

By Michelle Morrison

Have you ever set a goal, or made a resolution to change a habit, but within a few hours or days you've already fallen back into the old, familiar patterns? Why does this happen, when we want so much to change? How can mindfulness and self-compassion help us in making choices that are aligned with our deepest intention?

In this guided meditation we choose a habitual behavior we'd like to change. Then, we imagine ourselves in that moment when the habit takes over, and look deeply into what's happening (circumstances, emotions, etc.) when the trigger arises, we engage in the behavior, and afterwards. We draw upon our energies of mindfulness and kindness to help us stay steady, curious, and loving during this inquiry.

By taking a closer look at the roots of our habits, we gain insight into what it is that we truly desire, which frees us up to make better choices and strengthens our resolve to change.

MIchelle Morrison

Michelle Morrison is a certified mindfulness meditation teacher and yoga instructor who has taught in studio, private, corporate, nonprofit, and university settings for over a decade. These powerful practices have helped her meet life’s challenges with more grace and resilience, and she is passionate about sharing them with others.

Retreat Day in NYC


Generosity - Guided Meditation